MALO 013 Monday Dec 19 – Aurelie Pols and Cory Underwood

Aurelie Pols & Cory Underwood on Privacy

Aurelie Pols is a data protection officer, a privacy engineer, and an ethics expert. Cory Underwood is an analytics engineer a Google Analytics expert who has been blogging about digital analytics with a heavy focus on the technical side of privacy. Jim Sterne engages them in a conversation about policy, technology, and philosophy, touching on the role of a Data Protection Officer (which is not the same as a Chief Information Security Officer), global privacy legislation, and surviving in an everchanging legal environment.

Be prepared to expose your mind to the incredibly complex overlapping realms of business imperatives, legal constraints, and technical hurdles, all while trying to carve out a clear and customer-friendly, ethical data framework. It's a bit like taking aim at a target made up of five, spinning Venn Diagrams.


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